Aplus Math Games

Aplus Math Games

Still practicing math facts the old-fashioned way - Then you need to check out this site. With Matho, you can play bingo, test your memory skills, uncover hidden pictures and even defend your planet, all while sharpening your math skills!

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Game Goo

Game Goo

The mantra of this site is 'Learning that Sticks' - What they forgot to add is - 'And Is Fun'. The three tiered language art games cater to youngsters, as well as, older kids trying to master rhyming words or synonyms and antonyms.

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Invention At Play

Invention At Play

Ask any inventor or artist how they became so good at their craft, and they will tell you it was all to do with the things they played with or imagined when they were young. That is the main premise of this site developed by the Smithsonian Museum of American History. So go ahead - dream, solve, explore and create - this may be your first step towards that big invention.

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Math Magician

Math Magician

Need to practice your math-facts or for the mad-minute math tests - Toss out those old fashioned cards and check out math magician, who will time test you at different levels and on one or even mixed math operations should your be willing to take the challenge

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A Game A Day

A Game A Day

Getting confused by all the games available? Here's a site that will make the choice for you - By posting only one game a day! The games focus largely on word games and puzzles and the best part is that if you missed any day of this month or last, you can still play the games - Simply click on the date and you're good to go!

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Spelling Bee - The Game

Spelling Bee - The Game

While this year's Spelling Bee championship has come to an end, the preparations for next year have already begun, and what better way to practice than becoming an online contestant. Simply pick a student and get started. Even if you don't make it to the competition, your teacher will be quite impressed with your spelling prowess.

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Let's face it, fractions can be intimidating for most of us. There are normal fractions, mixed fractions, equivalent fractions etc. etc. And then there are all the complicated rules for adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing these numbers. This site will guide you through all the mumbo jumbo and make you a fraction whiz in no time!

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Arcademic Skill Builders

Arcademic Skill Builders

What an awesome way to learn! Spin the wheel to spell words or use your multiplication skills to win a grand prix race. The games are so much fun, that you will not even realize you are learning!

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Online Math Games

Online Math Games

While there are plenty of math game sites, this one ranks as one of our favs. With games like Shooting the Fruit and Popping Balloons you will be glued for hours - The best part is, you can even send your 'high' scores to your friends or even teacher - just to show what a great student you are!

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