starfire123's Activity (431)

  • greece_eu
    greece_euliked a comment in Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton — The Sprint To The White House Begins.
    Donald trump needs to be nominated because he will be great! Please vote D TRUMP!
    Almost 8 years ago
  • greece_eu
    greece_eu added a new comment in
    Just keep swimming, remain lost in the depths of the seas!
    Almost 8 years ago
  • greece_eu
    greece_euis now following zrudy.
    Almost 8 years ago
  • starfire123
    starfire123liked a comment in Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not-So-Fabulous Life.
    "I'm such a dork"- Nikki Maxwell really wants a phone (is that even a need, Nikki?) But instead, she receives a DIARY. If someone catches you writing in a diary, they think you're a dork. Nikki said she would NEVER use the diary her mother got her. Well, she used it anyway. Another character, MacKenzie Hollister, she is like RICH. She's the most popular girl in the 8th grade. Yet, she's a bully. She takes all of Nikki's locker space. When Nikki asks her POLITELY to move, MacKenzie just ignores her. When MacKenzie hands out invitations to her birthday party, she gives 1 to Nikki, which surprises her. MacKenzie calls her "hon" and tries to ask Nikki something, and Nikki is so happy, she gets carried away. She calls MacKenzie hon back, rips open the invitation, and looks at MacKenzie to see her gasp. MacKenzie tells her that that invitation wasn't hers, it was Jessica's, the girl behind her. She says "Oh, sorry", hands it to Jessica, and is VERY embarrassed. "I can't believe you opened MY invitation." Jessica said to her. Then later, MacKenzie invites Chloe and Zoey, Nikki's best friends, and not her. When MacKenzie invites Brandon, she flirts with him, too. But Brandon just takes a look at the invitation, then stuffs it into his backpack. MacKenzie was SO mad. Then Nikki starts to like Brandon.. Then has a crush on him. At lunch, when Nikki is walking to her best friends Chloe and Zoey, Jessica trips her. She falls and spills her lunch all over herself. Brandon took a picture and put it on the cover of their school news. Nikki was really mad when she found out. She went to the janitor's room. Chloe and Zoey went after her when they found out. First, Nikki thought it was MacKenzie and her friends. But it was just her best friends. They help clean her up a bit. When they find out about this trip to NYC, they had to enter a contest on something creative that you have to do. They planned on tattoos. Chloe and Zoey loved the idea, but Nikki didn't. She was happy when she found out their moms had said no. But they weren't happy. Then Nikki got the idea to do something for the tattoo. She was going to draw with pen a design on their hands. And Nikki is really good at drawing. She also showed Brandon her drawing skills, and she was pretty red when she did. Then Chloe and Zoey came so Nikki had to leave. So did Brandon. Nikki enters a drawing contest. MacKenzie also enters. She tells Nikki that she has no chance of winning, because she's going to win. Nikki ignores her and enters anyway. She overslept and missed the bus. She almost missed her dads ride. Her dad drove her to school. MacKenzie happened to come at almost the same time. She asked Nikki she was the same Maxwell has Maxwell's Bug Experiment (I think that was the name.) Nikki felt very embarrassed. Then Nikki forget her art, and accidentally dropped it. She tried to save it from her dads truck that was driving away, but couldn't. The truck ran over her art. MacKenzie TEASED her when she dropped it! MacKenzie laughs wickedly and sashays away. Nikki HATES it when MacKenzie sashays. She sat on the sidewalk, crying I think. Then suddenly it stops raining. On her add least. She looks up and finds Brandon holding an umbrella above her. Brandon helps her up and they walk in the school, where Nikki found out someone wrote "Bug Girl" on her locker. Nikki is so mad she runs to the school office. She couldn't take it anymore. She wanted to change schools. So she called her parents and told them she wanted to change schools. Her parents come, they were going to sign her into another school. Nikki wants to look at the art winners before she goes, though. The winner was... Nikki? Nikki was so confused. She didn't submit any artwork. Then she found out her best friends Chloe and Zoey, who had happened to betrayed her, did the new artwork together. Nikki ran to the office and told her parents she still wanted to stay. They looked confused, but said ok and canceled the new school and left. Chloe and Zoey apologized to Nikki for only caring about the tattoos. Then they found out they won the contest and are going on a trip to NYC! I really liked this story. It was really funny and interesting. I couldn't put the book down! I literally begged to stay up late and read the whole thing.
    Almost 8 years ago
  • starfire123
    starfire123 added a news bookmark.
    A few days after a massive storm battered Australia’s East Coast, sections of the coastline experienced a rare phenomenon – An ocean so foamy that it resembled a giant bubble ba...
    Almost 8 years ago
  • greece_eu
    greece_eu added a new comment in
    Oh wow! I think that all those dogs are adorable! Every dog is handsome or beautiful, just like all the people in the world.
    Almost 8 years ago
  • greece_eu
    greece_eu added a new comment in
    Almost 8 years ago
  • greece_eu
    greece_eu added a new comment in
    Of course! Scotland should leave the UK and join the EU as an independent country. This'll give Scotland desirable independence, along with a huge advantage of making important decisions on their own. The people of Scotland are Scottish, not British!
    Almost 8 years ago
  • greece_eu
    greece_eu added a new comment in
    Almost 8 years ago
  • greece_eu
    greece_eu replied to a comment in
    That was probably a breathtaking sight, Maggie2smart4u !
    Almost 8 years ago

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