Kids News - Games Articles

Graffiti Knitting - Art Or Eyesore? You Decide

Mention the word 'graffiti' and images of random scribbles painted or scrawled on fences, bridges and buildings is the first thing that comes to mind. However, graffiti knitting that is currently taking over cities worldwide, is being touted as a carefully orchestrated craft that enhances the public property it is wrapped around....

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Graffiti Knitting - Art Or Eyesore? You Decide

Happy Fool's Day!

While April 1st, better known as April Fool's Day, is technically not a holiday, it is a favorite day for many a child or child at heart. Some believe the light-hearted fun began in 1582, when the Julian calendar (which began the New Year in April), was replaced with today's Gregorian calendar. Other's think it was to mark the change of seasons. No matter what its origins, the day can be a lot of fun!...

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Happy Fool's Day!

Panama Surfer's Amazing 41.3 mile Wave Ride!

Anyone who has ever tried surfing, knows how taxing it is to ride a wave that lasts just a few minutes. Therefore, you can only imagine how hard it must have been to ride one that lasted for an astounding 41.3 miles, whilst battling some pretty rough water and wind conditions....

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Panama Surfer's Amazing 41.3 mile Wave Ride!

Real-Life 'UP' House Soars High In California's Mojave Desert

Carl Frederickson's house flight powered by helium balloons in Pixar's Up, has inspired many people. First the balloons were used to pull a then, they helped lift . However, none of the adventures were even close to those experienced by Carl and Russell, until recently, when a team from National Geographic got involved....

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Real-Life 'UP' House Soars High In California's Mojave Desert

Lemons Take Center Stage At Menton's Colorful Festival

Remember the old adage - When life gives you lemons, make lemonade? Well, the talented residents of Menton - Europe's largest grower of citrus fruits, are way beyond that. They use the bright and juicy, world-renowned produce, to create life sized pieces of art and, plan a fun festival around it....

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Lemons Take Center Stage At Menton's Colorful Festival