First there was the iPod, then came the iPhone, followed by the iPad and now . . . . . iRun? While it may sound like something Apple Inc. would come up with, in this case it is just a creation of computer geek, Joseph Tame.

The rather unwieldy iRun, which comprises of four iPhones and an iPad, strung together in a wacky harness, was created so that the Tokyo resident could enable people all over the world to experience the Tokyo marathon live, without getting off their chairs.

Two of the iPhones streamed the video, while the other two ran the GPS and networking software. The iPad that was strategically placed on his chest allowed him to read the Twitter messages from his supporters. An Android handset, three mobile Wi-Fi routers and a monitor helped record and transmit his heart rate, the CO2 levels, as well as, the temperature around.

The most amazing thing is that despite carrying these extra 10lbs of gear, Joseph managed to complete the marathon in 6 hrs 28 mins. What's even more amazing, is that he got friends to stream his run live and . . . . . . Over 3,000 people actually watched it - Go figure!
