Kids News - Science Articles

Incredible 'Tree Of 40 Fruit' Lives Up To Its Name

Award-winning artist and professor Sam Van Aken has managed to accomplish what very few people are able to do - combine art and science together in a project that is as v...

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Our Disappearing Birds

Land animals are not the only ones being affected by the loss of habitat and climate change. The issues are taking their toll on birds too. Experts estimate that since th...

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Cool Illusion Tricks Your Ears

While illusions that trick the eyes are pretty common, ones that fool human ears are relatively rare. That is the reason this experiment conjured up by the scientists at...

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Clever Koalas Hug Trees To Beat The Heat

Mention koalas and the image that comes to mind is that of a cuddly animal snoozing, whilst clinging on to a tree trunk for dear life - and rightfully so, given that the...

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Japanese Scientist Builds Robots That Look Eerily Human

The fact that the Japanese love robots is well-known. The nation of 127 million people currently employs over a quarter million robots workers, more than any other countr...

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