Kids News - Science Articles

Video Of The Week - The Amazing Google Goggles

Over the past few months, there has been a lot of speculation about search giant Google's development of goggles so advanced, that it would be like walking around with a...

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Will Blowing Air At Space Help Clean Up Debris?

Thanks to the consecutive issues with falling Space debris and the recent near miss by NASA scientists, removing Space junk is rapidly becoming a top priority for scienti...

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Have Your Cake Er Soup, And Eat It Too!

You may have heard of the expression 'Have one's cake and eat it too' - Which means that people have to make choices and cannot have everything. However, this may soon be...

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The Countdown To Earth Hour Has Begun!

If you have always wondered what you can do to help our planet, here is your chance. On Saturday March 31st, join the millions of people that are celebrating Earth Hour....

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