
Current Events for February 13, 2014Thursday, February 13, 2014 at 5:59 am

Myron TedfordWhat is your favorite Winter Olympic event to watch? Why?

The Sports You Will Not See At Sochi Or Any Other Winter Olympics!

This year's Winter Olympics is the longest in the 90-year history of the games. That's because the International Olympics Committee decided to add a record, twelve new events across eight disciplines - ranging from ski half-pipe to snowboard parallel slalom and even a Luge - team rally competition. Does that mean that future Winter Olympics will be as long? Not necessarily. Here are a few sports that made a grand debut and even lasted a few games, before being scrapped in favor of more exciting and popular sports!

Current Events for February 10, 2014Monday, February 10, 2014 at 11:44 am

Myron TedfordWhat is your favorite costume he has created? Why?

Video Of The Week - An Iron 'Balloon' Man Costume Anyone?

While many people are well versed in the art of balloon twisting, very few have developed their skills quite like Jeff Wright. Instead of making small animals and hats, the talented artist crafts life-size wearable superhero costumes, using just the inflated rubber! Over the years, the 28-year-old Cleveland, Ohio native who now lives in Bolivia, has balloon twisted the attire worn by Buzz Lightyear, Super Mario and even, Michelangelo from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Current Events for February 10, 2014Monday, February 10, 2014 at 11:40 am

Myron TedfordHow fast will this car go? Where can kids drive this car?

Finally, A Car Fit For Pint-Sized Drivers

Let's face it - Vehicles made for kids are kind of lame. After all, where is the thrill in driving a car whose top speed is 5 mph! Now, there is hope - A car that not only looks like the real deal, but also, drives like it! And it's not just any car but a replica of the DB Aston Martin convertible, the kind even James Bond would be proud to be in.

Current Events for February 6, 2014Thursday, February 6, 2014 at 10:05 am

Myron TedfordWhat is Smog and why do some places have it?

Can Artificial Rain, Giant Shower Heads And Vacuum Cleaners Solve China's Smog Problem?

While smog is a problem in many of the world's urban cities, few have it as bad as China. Most of last year, the air around Beijing was so polluted that on certain days it went beyond what was once considered the worst possible level. The residents of Harbin, in northeast China, have not had it easy either. On days when the haze is really bad, residents are unable to even see across streets and airplanes have a hard time landing.

Current Events for February 3, 2014Monday, February 3, 2014 at 10:08 am

Myron TedfordWhat did the groundhog predict and Why?

BRR! Groundhogs Predict An Extended Winter!

This morning, 25,000 people braved the early morning chill and made their way to Gobbler's Nob to see for themselves what Punxsutawney Phil had to say about the length of this year's frigid winter season. Unfortunately, the legendary woodchuck did not predict what most had been hoping for!
  • 5doow55
    5doow55over 10 years
    e predicted 6 more weeks of winter because he predicted that the ground hog would see his shadow

    Current Events for January 31, 2014Friday, January 31, 2014 at 7:55 am

    Myron TedfordHow did this 10-year-old save neighbor's life?

    Observant 10-Year-Old Saves Elderly Neighbor's Life

    A ten-year-old from Howell, Michigan is being hailed a hero, thanks to his persistence that led to saving the life of an elderly neighbor. The chain of events unfolded late in the evening on Saturday, January 26th, when Danny DiPietro was being driven home from hockey practice by his dad.
    • 5solomon
      5solomonover 10 years
      He saw what he thought was a dog but it turned out to be there 80 year old neighbor who had slipped on ice.
      • 5ross
        5rossover 10 years
        She fell and was unable to get up and he helped her get up.

        Current Events for January 30, 2014Thursday, January 30, 2014 at 10:06 am

        Myron TedfordWhat caused these cool natural phenomenas?

        American Winter Freeze Results In Some Cool Natural Phenomena

        On Monday, January 27th, residents of Ohio, Pennsylvania and Illinois woke up to a special treat - Giant snow rollers. Often described as nature's snow sculptures, the beautiful giant columns are a rare meteorological phenomenon.
        • 5solomon
          5solomonover 10 years
          It was caused by a gravatational pull and the cold weather.
          • 5doow55
            5doow55over 10 years
            The wind tempeture and the gravitational pull
            • 5madden
              5maddenover 10 years
              Answer to no. 2 probably the ice on the bottom of the lake or ice on the shore
              • 5edwards
                5edwardsover 10 years
                When the bottom of the rock cracked.

                Current Events for January 28, 2014Tuesday, January 28, 2014 at 6:13 am

                One-Wheeled Electric Motorcycle Ready To Make Its Debut

                Over the years, there have been many unusual modes of personal transport invented - There is the Segway, the Solowheel, the Uno . . . and the list goes on. However, none have been quite like this latest entrant to the market. Called RYNO or 'Ride Your New Opportunity', it is an electric motorcycle with just a single 25-inch wheel!

                Current Events for January 28, 2014Tuesday, January 28, 2014 at 6:10 am

                At The Sochi Olympics, Everyone Can Be A Star

                This February, there's more reason to tune in to the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia than just the sporting events - The chance to see thousands of lucky visitors make their own mark by having their faces displayed on the side of the Olympic Village's 2,000 square-meter (21,527 square-feet) MegaFon Pavilion.

                Current Events for January 27, 2014Monday, January 27, 2014 at 10:09 am

                Myron TedfordHow did they create snow? Why did they do it?

                Parched California Turns To Science To Create Snow

                For Americans, this year's winter has been an interesting dichotomy. While the eastern part of the country has been inundated with snow, the west has seen very little precipitation. One of the most affected is the State of California, which according to experts may be facing its worst drought since record-keeping began, about a century ago.

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