Kids News - Articles for Grade 9+

Presidents Are Just Like Us!

If you live in the USA, chances are you are enjoying a three-day weekend or better still, a week-long 'ski' break, thanks to President's Day, a holiday to honor all the brave men that have led our country and in some cases, even sacrificed their lives....

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Presidents Are Just Like Us!

Celebrating Black History Month

Observed annually during the month of February, Black History Month is an important American tradition that dates all the way back to 1926. It was established by historian Carter G. Woodson to ensure that contributions made by African American men and women throughout history, would not be forgotten....

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Celebrating Black History Month

Who Was . . . . Martin Luther King Jr.?

Minister, saint, hero, civil rights activist - These are the words often used to describe Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - However, in light of President Barack Obama's second-term inauguration ceremony this morning, the word that seems to fit the bill perfectly, is visionary - The man who had the foresight to see that America could one day transform into a nation where everyone is equal, regardless of race, color or creed. So who was this amazing man that single handedly spearheaded America's civil rights movement?...

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Who Was . . . . Martin Luther King Jr.?

It's A Wrap! The 30th Olympic Games Comes To A Successful Rock 'N' Rollin End!

On Sunday night, millions of people all around the world were once again glued to the television as London put on a lively Rock 'n' Roll concert to celebrate the end of the 2012 Summer Olympics. Over the last 17 days we have all shared the victories and disappointments of the numerous athletes that had amalgamated in London with one mission - To make their country proud, by bringing home a medal. Here, is a recap of some of moments that will forever be etched in our memories....

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It's A Wrap! The 30th Olympic Games Comes To A Successful Rock 'N' Rollin End!