Kids News - Articles for Grades 3-5

Video Of The Week - An Iron 'Balloon' Man Costume Anyone?

While many people are well versed in the art of balloon twisting, very few have developed their skills quite like Jeff Wright. Instead of making small animals and hats, the talented artist crafts life-size wearable superhero costumes, using just the inflated rubber! Over the years, the 28-year-old Cleveland, Ohio native who now lives in Bolivia, has balloon twisted the attire worn by Buzz Lightyear, Super Mario and even, Michelangelo from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles....

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Video Of The Week - An Iron 'Balloon' Man Costume Anyone?

The Strange and Fearless Mantis Shrimp

When one thinks of nature's most fierce predators, the images that come to mind are those of lions and sharks. While they are certainly dangerous there are other unlikely ones, that are even more so. Among them are the Tasmanian devil, the honey badger and . . . the mantis shrimp?...

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The Strange and Fearless Mantis Shrimp

Archeologists Debate The Purpose Of 4,600-Year-Old 'Provincial' Pyramids That Predate Giza

At a symposium held by the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities in Toronto, Ontario, on January 11th, archeologists revealed the uncovering of yet another provincial pyramid near the ancient settlement of Edfu in Southern Egypt. The 4,600-year-old structure, built decades before the Great Pyramid of Giza, is the seventh of its kind discovered scattered near major ancient settlements, throughout central and southern Egypt....

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Archeologists Debate The Purpose Of 4,600-Year-Old 'Provincial' Pyramids That Predate Giza

Dudley The Duck Gets A (3D Printed) Prosthetic Leg

Just when we thought we had seen all the magical things that 3D printing can do, here comes another - A working prosthetic leg that has transformed the life of a little Canadian duckling called Dudley, who had been struggling to get by after losing a leg in an epic battle with a chicken!...

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Dudley The Duck Gets A (3D Printed) Prosthetic Leg

'Sensory Fiction' Allows You To Read Your Book And Feel It Too!

Though you must have all imagined how terrified Peeta and Katniss were when they were competing in the Hunger Games and then again in Catching Fire, you probably did not feel like you were in their shoes and living the experience with them. That, is what researchers at MIT's Media Lab are trying to achieve with a new device that they call Sensory Fiction....

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'Sensory Fiction' Allows You To Read Your Book And Feel It Too!

Finally, A Car Fit For Pint-Sized Drivers

Let's face it - Vehicles made for kids are kind of lame. After all, where is the thrill in driving a car whose top speed is 5 mph! Now, there is hope - A car that not only looks like the real deal, but also, drives like it! And it's not just any car but a replica of the DB Aston Martin convertible, the kind even James Bond would be proud to be in....

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Finally, A Car Fit For Pint-Sized Drivers

Can Artificial Rain, Giant Shower Heads And Vacuum Cleaners Solve China's Smog Problem?

While smog is a problem in many of the world's urban cities, few have it as bad as China. Most of last year, the air around Beijing was so polluted that on certain days it went beyond what was once considered the worst possible level. The residents of Harbin, in northeast China, have not had it easy either. On days when the haze is really bad, residents are unable to even see across streets and airplanes have a hard time landing....

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Can Artificial Rain, Giant Shower Heads And Vacuum Cleaners Solve China's Smog Problem?