Kids News - Articles for Grades 3-5

Tiny Frog Hears with its Mouth! 

While we humans need every organ of our body, animals seem to adapt and even thrive when they are missing body parts that we consider crucial to survive - There is the Borneo frog that breathes without lungs, the ice fish that has no hemoglobin and now, an earless frog that can hear perfectly....

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Tiny Frog Hears with its Mouth! 

J.K. Rowling Returns - This Time With Some Magical Creatures!

Here is some awesome news for all you wizard fans - The Harry Potter series may have concluded, but its author J.K. Rowling is nowhere near done telling stories about its magical world. This time around she is heading to tinsel town as screenwriter for a new film series that is based on a textbook that may ring a bell to the most avid Harry Potter fans - Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, a required reading for the young wizard when he entered Hogwarts....

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J.K. Rowling Returns - This Time With Some Magical Creatures!

The World's Happiest Nations Are . . .

Just like beauty, happiness is very subjective - What makes one person happy does not necessarily work for another. Yet there are various agencies that attempt to gauge the happiness of entire nations using disparate criteria. The most recent 'World Happiness Report' was released by the United Nations on September 9th and without further ado, here are the results . . ....

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The World's Happiest Nations Are . . .

How 3D Printing Will Change Medicine

The struggle to recreate human tissues in the laboratory is nearly as old as the medical profession itself. The cell as you all know, is the structural, functional and biological unit of all organisms, whether it is a single celled-bacteria or a 90 trillion-celled human! While these microscopic units appear simple, they are actually quite complex and almost impossible to build from scratch, which is why for the longest time 'growing' new human body parts in the laboratory seemed like an impossible task. That perception seems to be changing somewhat, thanks to the recent advent of 3-D printing....

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How 3D Printing Will Change Medicine

Rafael Nadal, Tennis Superstar And  . . . Watch Designer?

Nadal has experienced a wide range of triumphs and tribulations in 2013. After being forced to withdraw from the year's first grand slam - the Australian Open due to a stomach virus, he came back with a vengeance in May to win his eighth French Open title. Then in June, he along with many other top players, suffered a stunning loss in the initial round at Wimbledon, only to bounce back strong in the last major tournament of the year, the US Open....

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Rafael Nadal, Tennis Superstar And  . . . Watch Designer?

Uh-Oh! It's Friday The 13th!

While to most of us 13 is just a number, there are some people that consider it to be a bad omen. This is the reason office and residential towers often skip having a 13th floor altogether. However when the 13th happens to fall on a Friday, the fear factor escalates to a whole new level! Today happens to be the first of the two fearful 'Friday the 13th's' that we will have to encounter in 2013!...

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Uh-Oh! It's Friday The 13th!

Thousands Apply For A One-Way (All Expenses Paid) Voyage To Mars

If you are a space buff, visiting Mars is probably at the top of your list. It is therefore no wonder that when the Mars One Foundation announced that they were seeking four qualified applicants to send on an all expenses paid trip to the Red Planet, over 200,000 people from 140 countries expressed their interest. The only catch? It will be a one-way trip because their mission will be to establish the first human settlement on Mars!...

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Thousands Apply For A One-Way (All Expenses Paid) Voyage To Mars

9/11/2001 - The Day Our Lives Changed Forever

On Wednesday, September 11th, Americans and people all around the world will commemorate the 2,977 innocent lives that were lost in what will go down in history, as one of the most daring and unusual terrorist attacks ever. The tragedy not only changed the lives of the people directly affected by the attacks but also that of future, yet-to-be born generations....

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9/11/2001 - The Day Our Lives Changed Forever