Kids News - Articles for Grades 4-5

Video Of The Week - Spectacular Northern Lights Light Up European Skies

For thousands of years, the Northern Lights have been putting up an incredible show in the skies above Europe, Alaska, Canada, Russia and if the solar flares are strong enough, even Northeast USA. This year was no different. On Thursday, February 28th, the annual phenomenon lit up the skies of the U.K. and Northern Ireland with beautiful hues of greens and reds, mesmerizing the residents fortunate enough to see them....

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Video Of The Week - Spectacular Northern Lights Light Up European Skies

A Homework Desk That Transforms Into A NASA Control Mission Center? Sweet!

At first sight it looks like a mundane desk, the kind most kids spend hours completing their homework on. But flip open the top white cover and you will discover a mission control center that even NASA scientists would be proud to own. What's even more amazing is that this intricate creation is the work of a dad who understands that kids need something to look forward to, after grinding through hours of math, science and whatever else their teachers decide to assign....

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A Homework Desk That Transforms Into A NASA Control Mission Center? Sweet!

Let's Play . . . Musical Ice Creams?

What could be better than licking an ice cream cone? How about composing music while enjoying the sweet treat? And we don't mean sweet melodies emanating from a smart player nearby, but ones that can be custom composed by the way the treat is licked....

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Let's Play . . . Musical Ice Creams?

Alaska's Iditarod Gets Off To A Rocky Start - Literally!

On Sunday, March 2nd, 69 Mushers and their team of 12-16 experienced sled dogs set off from Willow, Alaska, ready to tackle the below freezing temperatures, mounds of snow and ice, as well as, the dangerous terrain that they normally encounter in the Iditarod - an annual 1,000-mile sledge dog race from Anchorage to Nome. What they were not prepared for however, was spring-like temperatures which had transformed the normally snow-packed trail into a minefield of rocks and ice....

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Alaska's Iditarod Gets Off To A Rocky Start - Literally!

Daylight Saving Time Begins This Weekend!

Here is some good news for those of you that have been enduring below freezing temperatures for the last three months - Spring is almost here, at least as far as the clocks are concerned. That's because this weekend, most Americans will anticipate the season change by moving their clocks ahead by an hour. Also referred to as Daylight Saving or British Summer Time, this age-old tradition dates all the way back to World War One....

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Daylight Saving Time Begins This Weekend!

Can A Film Of Vegetable Oil Help Alleviate The World's Freshwater Crisis?

Climate change is causing havoc on weather patterns throughout the world. While some areas are getting more than their fair share of snow and rain, others are parched. Though the lack of precipitation is certainly an issue, evaporation of the water collected in the reservoirs is even more so. The US State of Texas estimates that the amount of moisture it loses to this phenomenon annually, could easily sustain the entire city of Austin, for that time period....

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Can A Film Of Vegetable Oil Help Alleviate The World's Freshwater Crisis?