Kids News - Articles for Grades 6-6

First Global Children’s Designathon Challenges Kids To Solve Complex World Problems

On November 15th, children aged 8 to 12 got together at a designated location in five cities around the world - Berlin, Rio de Janeiro, Nairobi, Dublin and Amsterdam, to participate in the first Global Children's Designathon. The event that was organized by Dutch design agency Unexpect, challenged kids to come up with solutions for some of the world's most pressing issues - food, waste and traffic - in a single day!...

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First Global Children’s Designathon Challenges Kids To Solve Complex World Problems

Video Of The Week - The History Of Thanksgiving

On November 27th, North Americans will celebrate Thanksgiving, an annual holiday during which families and friends get together for a scrumptious feast and reflect on all the things they are grateful for. The ancient tradition dates all the way back to 1621, when the pilgrims celebrated their first harvest with a feast that lasted for three days. While most people are aware of that, very few know that the holiday was once celebrated several times a year or that Thanksgiving as we know it today, is possible thanks to 19th century writer, Sarah Josefa Hale....

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Video Of The Week - The History Of Thanksgiving

Dubai's 2nd "Weight For Gold" Contest Includes Kids!

Concerned about the city's growing obesity rates, in July 2013, the Dubai Municipality came up with an innovative plan to incentivize residents to lose weight. Called 'Your Weight In Gold', it promised to reward contestants with the precious metal if they shed weight, during a specified two-month period. The challenge was so successful that the officials not only decided to offer it again, but also make it a family affair....

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Dubai's 2nd "Weight For Gold" Contest Includes Kids!

Indonesia Announces Multi-Billion Dollar Plan To Save Jakarta From Sinking

Rising sea levels are a growing worry for many coastal cities around the world. While all are expected to be impacted, some like Indonesia's capital Jakarta, are more vulnerable. Located in the northwest coast of the Java Sea, Southeast Asia's most populous city lies on a low flat basin at the mouth of the Ciliwung River on the Jakarta Bay. Though its average elevation is 8-meters (26 feet), 40% of the city lies below sea level and is sinking by as much as six inches, annually. Experts speculate that if this pace continues, much of northern Jakarta will be underwater by 2030....

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Indonesia Announces Multi-Billion Dollar Plan To Save Jakarta From Sinking

Rocket-Powered Bicycle Leaves Ferrari F430 Scuderia In The Dust!

With its slightly elongated frame, thick tires, normal brakes and pedals, Francois Gissy's two-wheeler looks just like any other high-end customized bike. However look closer, and you will notice a modification like none other - rocket thrusters that are filled with concentrated hydrogen peroxide that help the daredevil attain speeds that no man has reached before, on a bicycle....

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Rocket-Powered Bicycle Leaves Ferrari F430 Scuderia In The Dust!

Solar Bike Paths Are All The Rage In The Netherlands

On November 12th, hundreds of biking enthusiasts in the Amsterdam suburbs of Krommenie and Wormerveer hopped onto their two-wheelers, to test out SolaRoad, the world's first solar bike path. The 100-meter test project is the result of a collaboration between the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), local authorities and a consortium of Dutch companies....

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Solar Bike Paths Are All The Rage In The Netherlands

Video Of The Week - Are Lions Losing Their Edge?

Lions have been called the 'King of Beasts' for centuries and for good reason too - Not only are they majestic looking, but also, at the top of the food chain. Granted, it is the males that are awarded this designation, but the females are no slouches either. After all, they are the ones that do all the hunting....

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Video Of The Week - Are Lions Losing Their Edge?