Kids News - Articles for Grades 6-6

How Octopuses Avoid Getting Tangled Around Themselves

Scientists have often pondered over how the eight-armed octopus avoids getting tangled around itself. This mystery was particularly perplexing given that each tentacle is lined with hundreds of suckers that are strong enough to stick to almost anything. Also, unlike animals with rigid skeletons, the mollusks have no idea where their arms are at any given moment....

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How Octopuses Avoid Getting Tangled Around Themselves

The Unexplained Mystery Of Why Hot Water Freezes Faster Than Cold

One of the most popular ways to demonstrate this year's severe US winter appeared to be tossing out a glass of boiling water and watching it freeze instantly, in mid-air. Of course, the reason the fun experiment impressed viewers is because nobody expects boiling water to turn to ice that quickly. Turns out that contrary to intuitive thinking, it actually solidifies faster than cold water! Why? That's a mystery still waiting to be solved....

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The Unexplained Mystery Of Why Hot Water Freezes Faster Than Cold

Meet Grace Bush, 16-Year-Old High School AND College Graduate

It's May, which means that millions of students around the country have or are getting ready to receive their college diplomas. Grace Bush is one of them. The only difference? Grace is just 16 years old. Yes, that's right - at the age when most teenagers have not even completed high school, Grace has graduated from Florida Atlantic University (FAU) with a bachelor's degree in criminal justice and a minor in Spanish. What's even more astonishing is that the brilliant girl received her high school diploma from Florida Atlantic High School on May 9th, a week after her she had graduated from college!...

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Meet Grace Bush, 16-Year-Old High School AND College Graduate

Guess What? Our Sun Has A Sibling!

A team of scientists led by University of Texas, Austin, astronomer Ivan Ramirez have identified a star that they believe is one of many siblings our sun has floating around the Universe. Formed 4.5 billion years ago from the same large interstellar cloud that gave birth to our sun, it is 15% larger and lies 110 light-years away in the constellation Hercules. Though not visible with the unaided eye, HD 162826 that lies close to bright star Vega, can be easily viewed with low-power binoculars....

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Guess What? Our Sun Has A Sibling!

Peru Billboard Doubles Up As An Air Purifier

First there was the Drinkable Book that purifies water and now, this ordinary looking billboard that supposedly cleans 100,000 cubic meters or 3.5 million cubic feet of air, per day. To put it in perspective, that is the equivalent of the amount of purification provided by 1,200 mature trees....

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Peru Billboard Doubles Up As An Air Purifier