Kids News - Dolphins Articles

Toxic "Red Tide" Plagues Florida's Gulf Coast

Florida residents are no strangers to harmful algal blooms (HABs), or “red tides.” The natural phenomena, which occurs along the state’s Gulf Coast annually, is the resul...

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Sampal The Dolphin's Truly Magical Tale!

When dolphins get caught accidently in fishing nets, the outcome is usually dire - They either get injured and lose a tail or, spend their lives in captivity entertaining...

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Distressed Dolphin Seeks Out Help From Human Divers

On January 11th, professional diver and excursion expert, Keller Laros and his team did what they do every night - Lead a group of tourist divers into the ocean off the H...

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Do Animals Bully Each Other Too?

Bullying is a surprisingly common trait among humans - occurring not only on school playgrounds but also, in the workplace and even, among so-called friends. However, hea...

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