Kids News - Animals Articles

The Mystery Of Why Crafty Snakes Shed Their Legs Is Finally Solved

Mention snakes and the image that comes to mind is that of a stealthily gliding reptile. Turns out that this was not always the case. Ancient snake fossils indicate that the reptiles once had legs, just like the rest of us. So why did snakes decide to shed them in favor of the slither that sends chills down our spines? That is a mystery researchers have been trying to solve for some time....

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The Mystery Of Why Crafty Snakes Shed Their Legs Is Finally Solved

Japanese Fisherman Reels In Monster Wolffish

Japanese fisherman Hiroshi Hirasaka has an unusual hobby. He likes to catch and eat exotic and bizarre-looking creatures.The avid hunter has even outlined his conquests in a book called "Exotic Fish Species: I Caught, Judged and Tried Eating." Hence, you can only imagine his delight when he reeled in yet another scary looking specimen off the coast of Japan's Hokkaido Island, on August 30th....

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Japanese Fisherman Reels In Monster Wolffish