Kids News - Fun Articles

London Zoo Penguins Get Into The Olympic Spirit

It is quite normal for cities to go a little overboard during Olympic years, but London, the host of the upcoming 2012 Summer Olympics seems to have to have taken it to a...

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It's Friday The 13th . . . . . Are You Afraid?

While some people (think Taylor Swift) consider the number 13 lucky, for most it seems to indicate dire news or events especially, when it falls on a Friday. Today, happe...

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Argentinean Zoo Animals Celebrate Easter

Today is Easter Sunday, a day when Christians all over the world celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ by going to church and feasting on delectable foods. For kids,...

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It Takes Six Trees To Support This 100-Foot Tall Treehouse

We thought that Wisconsin resident John Peterson had gone overboard when he spent three years building his kids a 200 square foot treehouse. However, Mr. Peterson's treeh...

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This Summer, Chill Inside Field Candy's Funky Tents

Have you ever wondered why tents are always drab looking? In the past, it was probably because they would camouflage well in the wilderness. But nowadays, most of us camp...

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Watch Out! It's April Fool's Day

While April 1st, better known as April Fool's Day, is technically not a holiday, it is a favorite especially for people who like to pull pranks. While the origin of this...

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