Kids News - Articles for Grades 3-5

France's Iconic Eiffel Tower Celebrates 125 Years

When Gustave Eiffel designed the Eiffel Tower for the 1889 Exposition Universelle held to celebrate the 100th year anniversary of the French Revolution, he had never envisioned it to last more than 20 years. But the tower, which turned 125 on Monday, March 31st, has not only outlived all expectations, but also, become the most enduring symbol of France, one that is visited by almost 7 million visitors a year....

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France's Iconic Eiffel Tower Celebrates 125 Years

Surprise! Giant Pandas Love Sweets Too!

Though giant pandas may appear perfectly happy chewing bamboo, scientists recently discovered that just like the rest of us, they would rather have something a tad sweeter. This 'surprising' fact was disclosed to the world on March 26th, in the online scientific journal PLOS One by Danielle R. Reed, a behavioral geneticist at Philadelphia's Monell Chemical Senses Center....

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Surprise! Giant Pandas Love Sweets Too!

Watch Out! It's Almost April 1st!

Tomorrow is April 1st or as it is better known, Fools' Day! This is the day when pranksters come out in full force to have some light-hearted fun at the expense of some unsuspecting souls. Though the origin of this age-old tradition is not known for sure, some trace it back to 1582, the year when the Julian calendar (which began the New Year in April), was replaced with today's Gregorian calendar. Others believe it was to mark the change of seasons. No matter what started it all, April Fools' sure is a fun tradition....

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Watch Out! It's Almost April 1st!

Classcraft Makes Learning Fun By 'Gamifying' The Classroom

Online gaming has made the world much more exciting almost everywhere except in the classroom. While we now have access to computers and even tablets that feature all kinds of educational games, teachers still use old-fashioned incentives to encourage students. Sure you can get some extra credit by spending copious amounts of time doing challenging problems, but it's not fun and more importantly, cannot be achieved by students that find the subject challenging....

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Classcraft Makes Learning Fun By 'Gamifying' The Classroom

Miss Winter? You May Want To Try Snowshoe Baseball

For winter buffs, the onset of spring means that their days of frolicking in the white powder are drawing to a close. However, before you tuck away that winter gear, here is an idea - How about some snowshoe baseball? Sounds a little crazy? Don't tell that to the residents of Lake Tomahawk, Wisconsin. They have been playing it since 1961!...

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Miss Winter? You May Want To Try Snowshoe Baseball