Kids News - Articles for Grades 4-4

Cool Illusion Tricks Your Ears

While illusions that trick the eyes are pretty common, ones that fool human ears are relatively rare. That is the reason this experiment conjured up by the scientists at Philadelphia's Franklin Institute for their new exhibit 'Your Brain', is so intriguing....

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Cool Illusion Tricks Your Ears

Clever Koalas Hug Trees To Beat The Heat

Mention koalas and the image that comes to mind is that of a cuddly animal snoozing, whilst clinging on to a tree trunk for dear life - and rightfully so, given that the animals sleep for up to 20 hours a day! However, while the fact that their sedentary lifestyle is caused by their unusually small brains and the limited nutritional content of the eucalyptus leaves they consume is well-known, what was never questioned was their penchant for tree trunks. Turns out that the smart koalas have figured out that staying close to trees is the best way to beat the heat, during the hot Australian summers....

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Clever Koalas Hug Trees To Beat The Heat

Video Of The Week - British Competition Honors Naughty Pets

Three hundred of Britain'sbadly behaved pets recently got their day in the sun, thanks to a nationwide competition to honor the naughtiest of them all! The contest organized by Direct Blinds, an online supplier of custom window coverings, asked owners to upload photos of their pets caught during their most mischievous moments, on the company's Facebook page....

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Video Of The Week - British Competition Honors Naughty Pets

Hong Kong Invaded By 1600 Paper Mache Pandas!

On June 9th, even the most rushed traveler at Hong Kong's International airport paused to admire the mesmerizing sight of 1,600 pandas, each the size of a human baby, some sitting, others standing - all eager to be whisked away to the city's numerous landmarks. As you may have already guessed, they were not live animals but replicas made from recycled materials by French sculptor, Paulo Grangeon....

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Hong Kong Invaded By 1600 Paper Mache Pandas!

Psychic Crows Predict Argentina Will Win 2014 FIFA World Cup Final!

The fact that New Caledonian crows are smart is no secret. After all these birds that are endemic to the remote South Pacific Island of New Caledonia have been lauded for years, for their sophisticated tool use that not only rivals most birds, but also some of the most intelligent primates. But now it seems that they even possess psychic powers - For how else can you explain their accurate prediction of the semifinal results of the 2014 FIFA World Cup?...

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Psychic Crows Predict Argentina Will Win 2014 FIFA World Cup Final!

Video Of The Week - Kemps Dairy Unveils World's Largest Ice Cream Scoop

On June 28th, some lucky attendees of the annual Strawberry Festival in Cedarburg, Wisconsin, were able to kick off their celebration of National Ice Cream Month early, with scoops of free strawberry ice cream. While that in itself was a treat, what made it even more special is that the ice cream was being served from a massive 'sculpture' that had just been declared the 'World's Largest Ice Cream Scoop', by the authorities from Guinness World Records....

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Video Of The Week - Kemps Dairy Unveils World's Largest Ice Cream Scoop

Joey Chestnut Wins Hot Dog Eating Contest for Eighth Consecutive Year!

When one thinks of 4th of July celebrations the things that come to mind are an afternoon feast of watermelon, chips and . . . lots and lots of hot dogs. The best place to eat these tasty franks? The one and only 'Nathan's Famous Fourth Of July International Hot Dog Eating Contest', where participants are handsomely rewarded for devouring as many hot dogs (buns and all) as they can, in the given time....

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Joey Chestnut Wins Hot Dog Eating Contest for Eighth Consecutive Year!