Kids News - Articles for Grades K-1

Pearl-Decked Lucy Brown is America's 'Most Beautiful Bulldog'

Dressed in her shiny white pearls, white cardigan and blue poodle skirt, three-year old Lucy Brown was just hoping to be noticed for her trendy apparel, but her bloodshot eyes and excessive drooling impressed the judges so much, that they bestowed the chubby canine with the prestigious title of 'Most Beautiful Bulldog'....

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Pearl-Decked Lucy Brown is America's 'Most Beautiful Bulldog'

Eggshelland - A Fun Easter Tradition

With Easter around the corner, many families are gearing up for their annual traditions - For some it's an egg hunt, for others, a family brunch - For Ohio couple Ron and Betty Manolio, it's creating Eggshelland, a tradition that dates all the way back to 1957....

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Eggshelland - A Fun Easter Tradition

Real-Life 'UP' House Soars High In California's Mojave Desert

Carl Frederickson's house flight powered by helium balloons in Pixar's Up, has inspired many people. First the balloons were used to pull a then, they helped lift . However, none of the adventures were even close to those experienced by Carl and Russell, until recently, when a team from National Geographic got involved....

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Real-Life 'UP' House Soars High In California's Mojave Desert

Meet Japan's Latest Teenage Pop Star - A 3D Hologram

Move over Selena Gomez and Miley Cyrus, a new pop star has been just been born er, downloaded. Japanese teenager Hatsune Miku is young, beautiful, stylish and . . . . not real? Yes that's right, for the 16-year old, 5 ft. 2in. tall singing sensation with thousands of fans, is not a human but a 3D hologram!...

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Meet Japan's Latest Teenage Pop Star - A 3D Hologram