Kids News - Animals Articles

Baby Birds Mimic Toxic Caterpillars to Fool Predators

Animals adapt in various ways to protect themselves from predators. Some take on the smell of the food they consume, while others build decoys. But very few are able to do what the cinereous mourner that resides in the Peruvian Amazon rainforests has done. This dull gray bird has evolved such that its chicks not only closely resemble a brightly colored toxic neighbor, but also act like it!...

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Baby Birds Mimic Toxic Caterpillars to Fool Predators

If It Smells Like Coral It Must Be . . . A Fish?

Animals use many tricks to hide from predators - from blending in with the environment to disguising themselves into something unsavory and even, creating decoys. While different, they are all optical. Now scientists have uncovered a fish species that uses both visual and chemical camouflage. That means they not only blend in with the colorful coral they feed on, but also smell like it!...

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If It Smells Like Coral It Must Be . . . A Fish?

Endangered Orca Whale Pod Welcomes First Newborn In Two Years

Though the sight of a baby whale is always welcome, the report of a newborn in the group of orcas that scientists call the J-Pod, is particularly exciting. That's because, this batch which is part of the 77-member Southern Resident Killer Whale group (SRKW) that reside off the coast of the state of Washington and British Columbia, has been on the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service's endangered list since 2005....

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Endangered Orca Whale Pod Welcomes First Newborn In Two Years

Can Songbirds Hear Storms Long Before They Arrive? Some Scientists Certainly Believe So!

In April 2014, a series of devastating tornadoes wreaked havoc on the southern United States. The fierce system of multiple tornadoes that ripped through the region ravaged scores of local communities, claimed the lives of more than 35 people, and caused over a billion dollars in damages across 17 states. Also affected of course were the animals that lived in the region. The one species that managed to escape unscathed were the golden-winged warblers that left their breeding grounds in Tennessee two days before the tornadoes struck and flew off to Florida....

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Can Songbirds Hear Storms Long Before They Arrive? Some Scientists Certainly Believe So!