Kids News - Math Articles

Scientists Learn How Bumblebees Solve Complex 'Traveling Salesman Problem' So Effortlessly

Scientists have always known that in order to forage for nectar as efficiently as they do, the tiny bumblebee had figured out the perfect solution to what is commonly referred to as 'The Traveling Salesman Problem' - that is figuring out the shortest routes from flower to hive. While this may sound simple it is actually a complex mathematical problem given that there are hundreds of different routes - One that takes even humans, seek out the help of computers to solve!...

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Scientists Learn How Bumblebees Solve Complex 'Traveling Salesman Problem' So Effortlessly

Happy Square Root Day

3/03/09 is a special day for all Math buffs - it is Square Root day - one of only nine such dates that occur in a Century. The next one will take place in seven years, on April 4th, 2016 or 4/04/16....

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Happy Square Root Day

World Maths Day 2009

On March 4th, over thousands of students from all over the world will participate in World Maths Day, an online math competition hosted by Australian company 3P learning, in collaboration with Voyager Expanded Learning, a leading publisher of K-12 educational solutions in America....

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World Maths Day 2009