Kids News - Articles for Grades 3-3

World Welcomes 2015 With Stunning Fireworks Displays

Happy 2015! As is the tradition, at the stroke of midnight on December 31st, 2014, cities all around the world welcomed the new year with elaborate fireworks. Though you may have seen the ones where you reside, chances are you missed some of the other spectacular displays that took place globally. So settle down with a cup of hot cocoa and enjoy the show!...

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World Welcomes 2015 With Stunning Fireworks Displays

December 21st Is Winter (Or Summer) Solstice

If the sun appears to set a little earlier (or later) this Sunday, it is not your imagination. That's because depending on where you live, December 21st will be the shortest or longest day of 2014. Also known as the winter (or summer) solstice, it marks the official start of winter for the residents of the Northern Hemisphere and summer for those that live in the Southern Hemisphere....

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December 21st Is Winter (Or Summer) Solstice

Why The Purple Irises In Van Gogh's ‘Field With Irises Near Arles’ Are Turning Blue

The "Field with irises near Arles" is one of Dutch artist Van Gogh's most famous paintings. Believed to have been the first of the 130 paintings the artist created while at the Saint Paul-de-Mausole asylum in Saint-Remy, France, it is amongst his most recognized and coveted masterpieces. Not surprisingly, the painting has been extremely well-preserved and looks as good as when the artist first painted it, except for one thing - the once purple irises have started to turn blue....

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Why The Purple Irises In Van Gogh's ‘Field With Irises Near Arles’ Are Turning Blue