Kids News - Articles for Grades 6-8

Need A Weather Prediction? Ask Your Cat!

The fact that animals can sense natural disasters well before they occur, is quite well-known - There are the red ants that leave their mounds prior to earthquakes and monkeys known to move to higher ground before tsunamis. However, the fact that animals have the ability to predict changes in day-to-day weather, seems to have been a well-kept secret known only to people that inhabited the world a few centuries ago. Now, thanks to the resurfacing of an ancient book, we too can partake in some of that wisdom....

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Need A Weather Prediction? Ask Your Cat!

Harbin's 30th Ice and Snow Festival Is Spectacular!

For most of us, building a snowman or even an igloo is hard enough. So you can only imagine the effort, skill, and patience, it takes to build not just giant sculptures, but also, towering castles and beautifully chiseled buildings using just ice and snow - That is exactly what happens annually, in the city of Harbin in Northeast China....

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Harbin's 30th Ice and Snow Festival Is Spectacular!

Mexico's One Man Alpine Ski Team!

If you happened to watch the opening ceremony of the Sochi Winter Olympic Games you may have noticed an unusual sight - A single athlete representing Mexico. It was not because other contestants from the country had decided to skip the parade, but because Prince Hubertus Von Hohenlohe, is Mexico's sole representative at the Games....

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Mexico's One Man Alpine Ski Team!

Have Superbugs? Call In The Xenex Germ-Zapping Robot!

When one thinks of fighting robots, it is usually in context of them combating large terrifying alien creatures, not microorganisms that are invisible to the human eye. But the emergence of resilient bacteria that scientists call superbugs, has left medical experts with no choice, but to call in the best combat force available!...

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Have Superbugs? Call In The Xenex Germ-Zapping Robot!

Wire Fox Terrier From California Wins Prestigious Westminster Dog Show

Earlier this week, over 2,800 dogs representing 187 breeds, descended upon New York's Madison Square Garden to participate in the 138th annual Westminster Kennel Dog Show. Often referred to as the Super Bowl of the dog world, the two-day event that took place from February 10-11th, is not just the country's oldest dog show, but also, the most prestigious one!...

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Wire Fox Terrier From California Wins Prestigious Westminster Dog Show

Think Your Winter Is Bad? Don't Tell That To The Residents Of The World's Coldest City!

With yet another storm unleashing its fury on the Eastern, Midwestern and even Southern regions of the United States, residents are really feeling the wrath of winter this year, and probably thinking that nobody in the world has it as bad as they do. Turns out, such is not the case. The people of Yakutsk in Russia have been enduring even worse weather for centuries, and have actually gotten to like it!...

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Think Your Winter Is Bad? Don't Tell That To The Residents Of The World's Coldest City!

This Valentine's Day, Impress Your Sweetheart With . . . Tomatoes, Figs and Brussels Sprouts?

Let's face it - Valentine's Day can get a little predictable. Year after year of receiving the same bouquet of roses and box of candy can take its toll, even on the people who love you dearly. That is probably why these innovative entrepreneurs have conjured up some unusual treats - heart-shaped fruits & vegetables, and bouquets put together from a special crossbreed of healthy Kale and Brussels sprouts....

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This Valentine's Day, Impress Your Sweetheart With . . . Tomatoes, Figs and Brussels Sprouts?