Kids News - Current Events

This Summer, Chill Inside Field Candy's Funky Tents

Have you ever wondered why tents are always drab looking? In the past, it was probably because they would camouflage well in the wilderness. But nowadays, most of us camp...

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Indian Man Single Handedly Plants 1,200 Acre Forest

We all do our share in helping reduce global warming with small things like generating less trash, taking shorter showers or turning off unnecessary lights. However, very...

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Watch Out! It's April Fool's Day

While April 1st, better known as April Fool's Day, is technically not a holiday, it is a favorite especially for people who like to pull pranks. While the origin of this...

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Denmark's Generous Store 'Sells' Chocolates For Good Deeds

How cool would it be if you could walk into your local confectionery store and pick up a box of candy for just promising to do a good deed! Sounds too good to be true? No...

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Have Your Cake Er Soup, And Eat It Too!

You may have heard of the expression 'Have one's cake and eat it too' - Which means that people have to make choices and cannot have everything. However, this may soon be...

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Will Tiny Beyoncé Replace Boo As America's Favorite Puppy?

Move over Boo, here comes Beyoncé - the world's cutest and probably tiniest puppy! The last born of five siblings, the female Dachshund mix dog was so small when born, th...

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The Countdown To Earth Hour Has Begun!

If you have always wondered what you can do to help our planet, here is your chance. On Saturday March 31st, join the millions of people that are celebrating Earth Hour....

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