Kids News - Current Events

The Red Bull Air Race World Championships

On May 9th and 10th, over 55,000 spectators gathered at the Marina in San Diego, to watch 15 of the world's best pilots navigate though obstacles in fast, lightweight pla...

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Freeze! - You Have Been Squirted By A Microdrone

While this 11-inch unmanned remote-controlled spy helicopter looks like something you would only see in a James Bond movie, it is an actual working device that is being u...

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Endangered Frogs Flown To Safety

Dozens of Giant Ditch Frogs, popularly known as Mountain Chicken Frogs, are being flown from the Caribbean island of Montserrat to London, to help prevent this highly end...

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Now This Is a Sweet Job!

12-year old Harry Willsher from Billericcay, Essex has just landed every kid's dream job. He has been appointed chief 'taster' for candy manufacturer Swizzles Matlow - Ye...

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Twins Rule In This Remote Indian Town

If you happen to visit the remote village of Kodhini in the Indian State of Kerala, you will have to take a lot of double takes - that's because the village of 2,000 resi...

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Fizzle - The Greedy Little Fox

In most children's tales and legends, a fox is always depicted as a sly character, often up to no good. This real-life fox tale adds one more attribute to this bushy-tail...

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The World's Smallest Roadworthy Toy Car

A British inventor has made his way into the Guinness Book of Records for the fourth time - this one for converting a toy wind-up car, into a real roadworthy vehicle.

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