Kids News - Current Events

The Simpson Clan Finally Get Some Respect

After 20 years of entertaining the World with their weekly half-hour antics, Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie Simpson are finally getting the respect they deserve - Th...

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San Francisco's Big Wheel Race

It has been described as a race that could be conceived, executed and be popular only in a city like where residents are game for anything that is fun and a little crazy...

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Video Of The Week - Planet's Oldest Person Turns 115

Gertrude Baines, the Planet's oldest person celebrated her 115th birthday in Los Angeles, Calfornia on April 7th, in what was described a low-key party, with just some mu...

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"Mugglized" Quidditch

While they may not have the coveted Firebolt broom or the ability to zoom around to catch the elusive golden snitch, muggle (ordinary human) Quidditch players are not com...

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Malia And Sasha Finally Get Their Puppy!

After months of searching, Malia and Sasha have finally found their puppy - a six month-old Portuguese Water Dog. Little Bo is a mop of curly black fur with sprinkles of...

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Coming Soon - A Special Car For Your Pooch

Is your pooch cramped and uncomfortable in the car? Is having to jump in and out hurting its back? Does it need privacy? Then you will be delighted to hear that car manuf...

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JellyBean Counter Strikes Gold Twice!

Jessica Silverman was just five years old when she won her first jellybean-guessing contest. Her prize then was a stuffed toy dragon. Seventeen years later, she has done...

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Simple Cardboard Invention May Help Billions

Not every useful invention has to be developed over many years and cost a lot of money to make. Sometimes the simplest of ideas, can improve our lives profoundly. All it...

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