Kids News - Current Events

The World's Fastest Police Cars

Each year, police departments all over the world, order new patrol cars for their units. Over time, this has evolved into a friendly competition among various countries,...

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Now, This Is How Geography Should Be Taught!

Most elementary school kids learn geography, just as they learn any other subject - within the confines of the four walls of their classroom. However, if you are one of t...

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This Cutie May Be The World's Smallest Dog

This cute little black and tan puppy, may soon earn the title of the world's smallest dog from the folks at the Guinness Book of Records - that is, if he doesn't grow any...

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96 Meters And Back In A Single Breath

Sara Campbell, a British diver, set a new freediving record on Thursday, when she completed a 96-meter dive into the ocean and back, holding her breath the entire time. I...

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Inventors Showcase Their Cool (And Wacky) Creations

Inventors from around the World are currently convened in Geneva, Switzerland, showcasing their creations at the 37th International Exhibition of Inventions. The annual e...

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Sorry Folks, The Dog Ate It All

'Sorry Folks, the dog ate it all' - While that excuse would be tough to pull off with a straight face, when it comes from a Prime Minister, the guests have no choice but...

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