Kids News - Current Events

'Pumpkin' And 'Pecan' Head To Disneyland

On a day when most of his cohorts ended up on the dinner table, Pumpkin a Tom Turkey, pardoned by President Bush in an elaborate ceremony on Wednesday, strutted his feath...

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US Stuntman Soars The Skies

Humans have always been fascinated with flying, whether it be aboard an airplane, a wingsuit or as in Eric Scott's case, with just a self-propelling device attached to hi...

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Turkey Bowl - An Annual Thanksgiving Tradition In Ohio

While the rest of the nation gets ready to thaw their turkey for the big Thanksgiving feast, folks in Cincinnati are making sure their birds are as frozen as can be - for...

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Football Player Faces Life Challenge

Andrew O'Doriso pondered in the Redwood High locker room. But unlike the rest of his teammates, this kicker's mind wasn't on booting a ball or on the upcoming playoff gam...

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Meteor Lights Up the Skies In Canada

Residents of Western Canada were in for a treat yesterday evening, when a beautiful, blindingly bright meteor streaked across the skies at 5.30pm. Though it lasted only a...

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Dubai Hosts World's Most Expensive Launch Party

If you thought the fireworks at the opening of the Summer Olympics in Beijing were spectacular, you will be even more amazed by the ones staged for the party held in Duba...

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An Exciting Week In Space

Most Space missions start with spectacular launches and end with successful albeit dangerous spacewalks. While Shuttle Endeavor's mission started off exactly as expected,...

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