Kids News - Animals Articles

Can Changing Rope Color Help Save Endangered Whales?

With less than 400 specimens known to exist today, the North Atlantic right whales rank high on the list of the world's most endangered animals. While most of the population decline can be attributed to relentless hunting that continued well into the 20th century, the few mammals left, are now fighting a new enemy - Lobster fishing nets!...

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Can Changing Rope Color Help Save Endangered Whales?

A Boy And His Dog

While eight-year-old Owen Howkins knew he was a little different from other kids, the disparity became more apparent when he entered school at the age of seven. Born with an extremely rare genetic condition called Schwartz Jampel Syndrome, his muscles are in a constant state of tension. This causes the young boy to suffer from issues ranging from growth delays to impaired eye vision and even, lack of balance....

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A Boy And His Dog

Urban Bees Respond to Littering by Adopting Innovative Nest-Building Techniques

As you probably know, being 'busy as a bee', is not just an empty metaphor. From searching for nectar and pollen to tending to honeycombs, bees are amongst the hardest workers out there. So it should come as no surprise that two species of urban leafcutter bees in Canada, have learnt to adapt to our increasingly polluted world, by using small pieces of plastic found in the litter, to build their nests....

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Urban Bees Respond to Littering by Adopting Innovative Nest-Building Techniques

Need A Weather Prediction? Ask Your Cat!

The fact that animals can sense natural disasters well before they occur, is quite well-known - There are the red ants that leave their mounds prior to earthquakes and monkeys known to move to higher ground before tsunamis. However, the fact that animals have the ability to predict changes in day-to-day weather, seems to have been a well-kept secret known only to people that inhabited the world a few centuries ago. Now, thanks to the resurfacing of an ancient book, we too can partake in some of that wisdom....

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Need A Weather Prediction? Ask Your Cat!

Wire Fox Terrier From California Wins Prestigious Westminster Dog Show

Earlier this week, over 2,800 dogs representing 187 breeds, descended upon New York's Madison Square Garden to participate in the 138th annual Westminster Kennel Dog Show. Often referred to as the Super Bowl of the dog world, the two-day event that took place from February 10-11th, is not just the country's oldest dog show, but also, the most prestigious one!...

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Wire Fox Terrier From California Wins Prestigious Westminster Dog Show

The Strange and Fearless Mantis Shrimp

When one thinks of nature's most fierce predators, the images that come to mind are those of lions and sharks. While they are certainly dangerous there are other unlikely ones, that are even more so. Among them are the Tasmanian devil, the honey badger and . . . the mantis shrimp?...

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The Strange and Fearless Mantis Shrimp