Kids News - Animals Articles

Elusive Giant Squid Finally Caught On Camera

Giant squids, the kind referred to in Jules Verne's 1870 novel, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, have been known to exist for many centuries. However, finding the world's largest invertebrate in its natural habitat had proved a little elusive. Now, thanks to some patient Japanese researchers, we can all finally get a glimpse of this magnificent cephalopod!...

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Elusive Giant Squid Finally Caught On Camera

Chips, The Bobcat Who Is Just Too Nice!

Chips is like any other bobcat. She has black-tipped pointed ears, yellow eyes with black pupils, sharp hearing and vision and can even climb trees, as well if not better, than any other member of its species. But, she has one big problem - She is just too nice to be a bobcat! While that may be a good thing in most other species in her case, it is a kiss of death!...

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Chips, The Bobcat Who Is Just Too Nice!

Australia's Wild Dolphins Come Bearing Gifts For Their Human Friends

The fact that dolphins are one of the smartest living creatures on earth has been known for many years. Now it turns out that these magnificent animals are quite generous too! At least the ones that live in the waters around Australia's popular Tangalooma Island Resort who apparently love to swim to shore bearing gifts for the staff that have been feeding them daily, since 1992....

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Australia's Wild Dolphins Come Bearing Gifts For Their Human Friends

Goat in Boots?

You have all heard of 'Puss in Boots', but 'Goat in Boots' - That, has to be a first. And this four-legged animal is not a fictional character in a book or movie either, but a real life specimen that resides in the tiny village of Probus in Cornwall, England....

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Goat in Boots?