Kids News - Earth Articles

How Rajendra Singh AKA "Waterman Of India" Solved Rural Rajasthan's Freshwater Crisis

While world population continues to increase, our freshwater supplies appear to have stagnated and in some cases even trickled to a halt. Residents all the way from California to Brazil are battling multi-year droughts. Earlier this year, some citizens of Sao Paola were so desperate that they drilled through basements and parking lots to try access groundwater. Experts estimate that there are currently a billion people in the world that lack clean drinking water....

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How Rajendra Singh AKA "Waterman Of India" Solved Rural Rajasthan's Freshwater Crisis

How Tiny Mealworms May Help Reduce Our Massive Plastic Pollution Problem

Styrofoam, a plastic made of expandable polystyrene foam (EPS) is a useful invention. In fact one could call it almost too useful! The lightweight and buoyant plastic can be used for a myriad of things from thermal insulation to disposable plates & cups, packing material, and even to build boats! The only problem is that the versatile product is almost impossible to recycle....

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How Tiny Mealworms May Help Reduce Our Massive Plastic Pollution Problem

Twenty-Year-Old Boyan Slat Takes On The Monumental Task Of Cleaning Our Oceans

Most 20-year-olds are still trying to figure out what they want to do in life. Not Boyan Slat. Ever since he was 16-years old, the Dutch teenager has had one mission - To clean up the trillions of pieces of plastic that are polluting our oceans and killing precious marine life. What's amazing is that this young man who started with what sounded like an outlandish dream may actually be able to pull off this gargantuan task!...

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Twenty-Year-Old Boyan Slat Takes On The Monumental Task Of Cleaning Our Oceans

Rare Supermoon Lunar Eclipse Is Less Than A Week Away

On Sunday, September 27th, skywatchers will witness the grand finale of the rare lunar eclipse tetrad (series of four consecutive total lunar eclipses). And it promises to be quite a show. That's because this one involves a full moon and perigee. This means that the celestial body will be at its closest distance to earth, giving it a larger than life appearance. The last time the world witnessed this phenomenon was in 1982, and the next one will not be until 2033!...

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Rare Supermoon Lunar Eclipse Is Less Than A Week Away

Get Ready For The Spectacular Perseid Meteor Showers

Every year about this time, stargazers start to get excited about the Perseids, the biggest and most spectacular of all meteor showers. The "shooting stars" are already streaming through our skies at the rate of about a dozen an hour. However, from August 11 to 14, the pace will accelerate to almost a hundred an hour, making them fairly easy to spot even without a telescope. The best part is that unlike last year, there will be no "super" supermoon to steal their thunder....

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Get Ready For The Spectacular Perseid Meteor Showers

Prepare To Celebrate The Longest (Or Shortest) Father's Day!

If you happen to live in the Northern Hemisphere, you may want to plan extensive activities to keep dad entertained this Father's Day. That's because June 21st happens to be the start of summer and the longest day of the year. Also known as summer 'solstice' - a Latin word for 'sun stands still', it is the day when the tilt of the Earth's semi-axis, in the northern hemisphere, is most inclined toward the sun....

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Prepare To Celebrate The Longest (Or Shortest) Father's Day!

Children's Book Transforms Into A Tree When Planted

While e-books are on the rise, most people, especially young kids, still prefer printed versions that they can pore over for hours on end. Though that is an excellent habit, it also means cutting down precious trees. But what if the book could revert to its roots and transform back into a tree? Now thanks to a Brazilian children's book publisher, that is possible, at least for one book!...

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Children's Book Transforms Into A Tree When Planted

Why Oregon's Lost Lake Disappears Every Year

Lost Lake in Central Oregon is a mysterious natural wonder. During winter, it resembles any other large body of freshwater. However, as drier weather kicks in the water disappears, transforming the 85-acre 'lake' into a beautiful meadow. Turns out that there is a logical answer to this magical phenomenon - a tube or tunnel created by an ancient lava flow that drains out the water....

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Why Oregon's Lost Lake Disappears Every Year

Giant Sinkholes Along The Shores Of Dead Sea Cause Concern

Though there are numerous saltwater lakes around the world, none can compare to the Dead Sea. Located between Israel and Jordan in the Middle East, the water of this landlocked lake boasts salt levels almost ten times that of oceans. The unusual salinity can be attributed to the fact that there is no outlet for the minerals to leave, causing them to accumulate. The same is not true of the water level, which remains constant due an almost even inflow from the Jordan River and loss through evaporation....

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Giant Sinkholes Along The Shores Of Dead Sea Cause Concern