Kids News - Science Articles

Baby Birds Mimic Toxic Caterpillars to Fool Predators

Animals adapt in various ways to protect themselves from predators. Some take on the smell of the food they consume, while others build decoys. But very few are able to d...

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Beachbot, The World's Most Adorable Sand Artist

The world is filled with extremely talented sand artists - people that can masterfully carve up giant castles, sculptures and even paintings, using just sand and water. B...

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New Gene Studies Uncover Why Autism Symptoms Vary Widely

Autism, or autistic disorder, is a wide range of problems that occur when the brain develops differently. Such abnormal development results in a struggle for autistic chi...

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If It Smells Like Coral It Must Be . . . A Fish?

Animals use many tricks to hide from predators - from blending in with the environment to disguising themselves into something unsavory and even, creating decoys. While d...

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