Kids News - Articles for Grades 5-5

Love A Good Bargain? You May Change Your Mind After Reading This

How often have you walked out from your favorite store with a great sense of accomplishment for snagging an incredible pair of jeans or a gorgeous dress for next to "nothing?" However, would you feel as smug if you knew that the person who made it works in an unsafe environment and gets paid next to "nothing?" This was what the folks at advocacy group Fashion Revolution recently decided to put to test in Berlin, Germany....

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Love A Good Bargain? You May Change Your Mind After Reading This

Giant Sinkholes Along The Shores Of Dead Sea Cause Concern

Though there are numerous saltwater lakes around the world, none can compare to the Dead Sea. Located between Israel and Jordan in the Middle East, the water of this landlocked lake boasts salt levels almost ten times that of oceans. The unusual salinity can be attributed to the fact that there is no outlet for the minerals to leave, causing them to accumulate. The same is not true of the water level, which remains constant due an almost even inflow from the Jordan River and loss through evaporation....

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Giant Sinkholes Along The Shores Of Dead Sea Cause Concern

What Would The World Be Without Teachers?

If you make a list of the world's top ten most challenging jobs, chances are that being a teacher will not make the cut. But think about the daunting task millions of educators face each day as they try to mold a group of often surly, unruly kids into intelligent, well-rounded individuals. That surely has to be the toughest job in the world, especially given that there is no promotion or bonus awaiting them even if they are wildly successful!...

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What Would The World Be Without Teachers?

Meet Sudan, The World's Last Known Northern White Male Rhino

Over the years, numerous animal and bird species have become extinct. However, it is rare for the entire world to witness one as it is happening. This could very well be the case with the northern white rhinos given that there are currently only five known specimens left. What's worse is that only one, a 42-year-old named Sudan is male! If he passes away without producing an offspring, the rhino sub-species will soon disappear....

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Meet Sudan, The World's Last Known Northern White Male Rhino

Brown Researchers Believe Gamers Are Able To Learn Visual Tasks Faster Than Non-Gamers

As gaming moves from just a casual pastime to becoming a more significant part of our lives, researchers are getting increasingly curious to find out how it affects learning. A 2011 Michigan study indicated that playing video games sparks imagination and fosters creativity. A more recent study concluded that gamers have better visual skills and other cognitive abilities. Now there is some evidence that gaming not only augments visual skills, but also, helps speed up the learning process....

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Brown Researchers Believe Gamers Are Able To Learn Visual Tasks Faster Than Non-Gamers

Celebrate Mother's Day - It's Good For Mom And The Economy!

On Sunday May 10th, the approximately 85 million moms that reside in the United States will celebrate Mother's Day. This means a one-day role reversal, where moms get to enjoy all the things kids take for granted - like sleeping in and getting fed. While the special woman in your life is bound to be grateful for making her day special, so will the officials of the United States....

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Celebrate Mother's Day - It's Good For Mom And The Economy!