Kids News - Articles for Grades 8-8

Video Of The Week - The Airline Safety Instructions You Will Not Want To Miss!

If you are like most people, chances are that every time you are subjected to an airline safety video, your mind wanders off shortly after the instructions on fastening seat belts. This means that you miss the most important stuff. However, you will have no such issues with the one created by Air New Zealand. In fact it is so popular that even people who have no intention of flying the airline, are watching it over and over again!...

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Video Of The Week - The Airline Safety Instructions You Will Not Want To Miss!

The Mystery Surrounding New England Patriots' Deflated Footballs

With less than a week left before Superbowl XLIX, the argument among sports fans and experts should largely be about which of the two teams - the New England Patriots or the Seattle Seahawks - is going to take home the coveted title. However this year, the light banter has been overshadowed by a more serious discussion - did the Patriots cheat at the January 18th AFC Championship Game against the Indianapolis Colts by using deflated balls?...

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The Mystery Surrounding New England Patriots' Deflated Footballs

New Gene Studies Uncover Why Autism Symptoms Vary Widely

Autism, or autistic disorder, is a wide range of problems that occur when the brain develops differently. Such abnormal development results in a struggle for autistic children to perceive the world in the same way that other people do. Our brain is responsible for deciphering what we see, hear, breath, touch, taste, and experience. It then uses that information to send nerve signals to the appropriate muscles and organs, with instructions on how to respond. But with autism, the brain struggles to fulfill this vital role, and as such, it becomes very difficult to listen, talk, learn, and play. However, though 1 out every 88 kids is diagnosed with 'autism', their symptoms vary significantly in character and severity....

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New Gene Studies Uncover Why Autism Symptoms Vary Widely

Scientists Identify The Culprits Responsible For The Browning Of India's Taj Mahal

Mention the Indian subcontinent and one of the first things that comes to mind is the Taj Mahal. Located in Agra, the mausoleum that is widely hailed as the "Jewel of Muslim art in India", was built in the 1600's by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal. Intricately crafted from pure white marble, the masterpiece that took about 22 years to complete, is considered one of the seven wonders of the modern world and visited by millions of people each year....

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Scientists Identify The Culprits Responsible For The Browning Of India's Taj Mahal

Look, No Hands! Futuristic Driverless Cars Are All The Rage

In early January, Mercedes-Benz captured the world’s imagination by unveiling a futuristic self-driving car prototype at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Nevada. In addition to being autonomous, the F015 Luxury in Motion, also promises to be fuel efficient and as its name indicates, the epitome of luxury. While this is in complete contrast to Google's compact, koala-like autonomous vehicle, one thing is apparent - if manufacturers have their way, driverless cars will be sharing the highways with human-driven vehicles, within the next decade....

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Look, No Hands! Futuristic Driverless Cars Are All The Rage

NASA Astronaut And Russian Cosmonaut Prepare For Year Long Mission To International Space Station

On March 28th, US astronaut Scott Kelly and Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko will launch aboard the Soyuz TMA-16M spacecraft on a historic mission - a year long visit to the International Space Station. The trip, the first of many that will be undertaken before a manned mission to Mars, is a test to gather information about the psychological and physical effects of extended space travel on the human body....

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NASA Astronaut And Russian Cosmonaut Prepare For Year Long Mission To International Space Station