Kids News - Articles for Grades 3-5

121 Student Teams Compete In Shell's Ultra Efficient Energy Vehicle Challenge

Every year, global energy and petrochemical company Royal Dutch Shell challenges high school and university students to design, build and test energy efficient vehicles. Created to spark debate about the future of mobility and inspire young engineers, the Shell Eco-Marathon begins in the Americas, before moving to Europe and then finally Asia. This year's Americas event which took place in Texas from April 24th-27th, 2014 attracted 121 teams from all across the continent....

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121 Student Teams Compete In Shell's Ultra Efficient Energy Vehicle Challenge

The Science (Bob) Behind Nick And Tesla

This post is sponsored by Quirk Books, publisher of the Nick & Tesla Series. We have all enjoyed the first two 'electrifying' adventures of Nick and Tesla, the 11-year old fraternal twins who live with their Uncle Newt, an eccentric but brilliant scientist. With today's unveiling of their third adventure: Nick And Tesla's Secret Agent Gadget Battle, we thought it was time to sit down with Science Bob, one of the masterminds behind this fun series and get him to reveal some insights about the book series and what lies ahead for the young scientists. Curious? Read on . . ....

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The Science (Bob) Behind Nick And Tesla

Introducing The Drinkable Book

While access to clean water is something we all take for granted, such is not the case for some people in developing countries. According to non-profit organization, Water is Life, one in five children that live in the rural areas of most third world regions die from water borne diseases, before they turn five. In order to raise awareness of the dire situation, the organization has created numerous campaigns including a poignant video about a four-year-old living out his bucket list. However, their latest effort is going beyond that by actually helping the residents solve the problem - one page at a time! Introducing, the 'Drinkable Book'!...

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Introducing The Drinkable Book

Florida Fisherman Accidentally Snares Terrifying Goblin Shark

A fisherman trawling for shrimp in the Gulf of Mexico, south of Key West, Florida, got the surprise of his life when he pulled up the nets on April 19th - Intermingled with the tiny shrimp was a giant shark, the kind that one would only expect to encounter in a horror movie! What was even scarier, was that the shark was alive and menacingly trashing around the deck, trying its best to escape....

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Florida Fisherman Accidentally Snares Terrifying Goblin Shark

Video of the Week - Happiness Arcade Makes Recycling Fun

Beverage manufacturer Coca Cola sure likes to keep their fans happy. In 2012, they delighted the students at the University of Singapore with a soda machine that dispensed drinks in exchange for hugs. Now, they are doing the same for the people of Bangladesh with this gaming arcade that shuns cash in favor of empty coke bottles....

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Video of the Week - Happiness Arcade Makes Recycling Fun

Scientists Reveal A Failproof Strategy To Win Rock-Paper-Scissors

If you have ever had to decide on an outcome with a friend, chances are you have done it by playing rock-paper-scissors, the fun hand game where players simultaneously form one of the three shapes with an outstretched hand. Like most people, you probably thought that the game is designed for a random outcome, one in which neither player has an advantage. Turns out you were wrong. According to scientists from China's Zhejiang University, there is a method to this madness - one that can be easily mastered so that you never lose a rock-paper-scissors duel again....

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Scientists Reveal A Failproof Strategy To Win Rock-Paper-Scissors