Kids News - Articles for Grades 4-5

Happy Summer from DOGOnews! Our team is taking a short break. We'll be back soon with more exciting news!

Kansas Zoo's Fugitive Flamingo Has Been Spotted In Texas

A flamingo on the "run" from a Wichita, Kansas, zoo for 17 years was recently spotted in Texas. No. 492 and its buddy, No. 347, escaped from the Sedgwick County Zoo in 2005. While No. 347 has disappeared since, No. 492, nicknamed Pink Floyd by Texas officials, has been a frequent visitor to the Lone Star State. The famous fugitive's latest sighting, posted online on March 28, 2022, by the Texas Coastal Fisheries Division, is making headlines worldwide....

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Kansas Zoo's Fugitive Flamingo Has Been Spotted In Texas

Two New Species Of Glass Frogs Discovered In Ecuador

The Southern Tropical Andes, which comprises areas of Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia, is one of the world's most biodiverse regions — especially when it comes to amphibians. The area is home to about 980 amphibian species, including over half of the 150-known glass frog species. Now, two new members of the tiny frogs have joined this ever-growing list....

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Two New Species Of Glass Frogs Discovered In Ecuador

Smile! It’s Almost April Fools’ Day

For pranksters, there is no better holiday than April Fools' Day. Celebrated annually on April 1, it is the only day of the year when fun, harmless hoaxes go unpunished. The mischievous holiday has murky origins. Some believe it started in 1582 when France transitioned from the Julian calendar — which began the year around April 1 — to the currently used Gregorian calendar. Those unaware, or unwilling, to accept the date change were pranked. Others think the holiday started as a cheerful way to mark the start of spring....

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Smile! It’s Almost April Fools’ Day