Kids News - Articles for Grades 5-5

Friday The 13th - Lucky For Some, Unlucky For Most?

It's Friday the 13th! While a select few like Taylor Swift will simply "shake it off" and even release a new music video, there are millions of others that will not step out of their homes today. That's because when the 13th which is already considered unlucky by many, falls on a Friday, the fear factor rises exponentially. While nobody knows for sure why the combination of the 13th with Friday is so feared, there are many theories....

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Friday The 13th - Lucky For Some, Unlucky For Most?

The Debate About Network Neutrality And Why You Should Care

On February 26th, the five members of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will vote on the important issue of Internet neutrality. So why should you care? Imagine this scenario: You are trying to access your favorite website, video game or movie, only to find that it is blocked unless you pay extra! That could very well become a reality if Net neutrality is not maintained....

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The Debate About Network Neutrality And Why You Should Care

E-Nable Connects 3-D Printer Owners And Designers To Those In Need Of Prosthetics

While 3-D Printing technology is still a young innovation, it is already being used to create a wide variety of products: action figures, musical instruments, fabrics, and even food! But for all of the fun and whimsical items that can be produced, the most exciting application of this radical invention is the printing of artificial limbs. Its low cost structure makes it ideal for those that are unable to afford traditional prosthetics which can run tens of thousands of dollars....

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E-Nable Connects 3-D Printer Owners And Designers To Those In Need Of Prosthetics

Video Of The Week - Can You Spot The Octopus?

An underwater diver filming the beautiful coral in the Caribbean captured a rare sight - a perfectly camouflaged octopus emerging from its hiding place with its skin transforming from the dull green of the coral to a beautiful sky blue. Jonathon Gordon says that he was just trying to get a closer look at an unusual shell and had no idea that the creature was there, until he was just about a meter away....

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Video Of The Week - Can You Spot The Octopus?

Jellyfish Are More Than Aimlessly Drifting Bags Of Gelatin

The appearance of large jellyfish blooms is often met with dismay. That's because though these floating blobs of gelatin are essential for the ecosystem and an important food source for certain marine animals, they are very destructive. In addition to inflicting painful stings, large groupings of the invertebrates frequently clog commercial fishing nets and even cause power stations to shut down....

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Jellyfish Are More Than Aimlessly Drifting Bags Of Gelatin

Nao, A Humanoid Robot To Debut At Japan's Mitsubishi Bank

In April 2015, Japan's Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group will welcome a new kind of employee - a humanoid robot called Nao. The bank's first non-human hire that stands 58-centimeters (22.8 inches) tall and weighs a mere 5.4 kilograms (12.7 pounds), is the brainchild of France's Aldebaran Robotics - a subsidiary of Japan's Softbank....

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Nao, A Humanoid Robot To Debut At Japan's Mitsubishi Bank

Why Seeing Elsa's Ice Powers Are Enough To Send Shivers Down Your Spine

Ever had goose bumps on your arms when viewing videos of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, or experienced a shiver crawl down your spine whilst watching Disney's Frozen? Turns out there is a scientific explanation for that. According to British researchers just seeing someone shiver is enough to lower your body temperature by several degrees. While this phenomenon does not compare to Elsa’s powerful freezing capabilities, it sure proves that we all have a small amount of chilly magic, just waiting to be unleashed!...

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Why Seeing Elsa's Ice Powers Are Enough To Send Shivers Down Your Spine