Kids News - Articles for Grades K-1

Video Of The Week - Can You Spot The Octopus?

An underwater diver filming the beautiful coral in the Caribbean captured a rare sight - a perfectly camouflaged octopus emerging from its hiding place with its skin transforming from the dull green of the coral to a beautiful sky blue. Jonathon Gordon says that he was just trying to get a closer look at an unusual shell and had no idea that the creature was there, until he was just about a meter away....

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Video Of The Week - Can You Spot The Octopus?

Beachbot, The World's Most Adorable Sand Artist

The world is filled with extremely talented sand artists - people that can masterfully carve up giant castles, sculptures and even paintings, using just sand and water. But very few are as adorable as Beachbot - a robot which will keep the audience entertained as it scurries around creating beautiful masterpieces....

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Beachbot, The World's Most Adorable Sand Artist

Video Of The Week - The Airline Safety Instructions You Will Not Want To Miss!

If you are like most people, chances are that every time you are subjected to an airline safety video, your mind wanders off shortly after the instructions on fastening seat belts. This means that you miss the most important stuff. However, you will have no such issues with the one created by Air New Zealand. In fact it is so popular that even people who have no intention of flying the airline, are watching it over and over again!...

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Video Of The Week - The Airline Safety Instructions You Will Not Want To Miss!

Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

On Monday January 19th, Americans will celebrate the life and achievements of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., (MLK), a Baptist clergyman turned activist, who is often credited with spearheading the country's civil rights movement. It is thanks to his efforts that America is today a nation where everyone has equal rights, regardless of race, color or creed....

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Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

World Welcomes 2015 With Stunning Fireworks Displays

Happy 2015! As is the tradition, at the stroke of midnight on December 31st, 2014, cities all around the world welcomed the new year with elaborate fireworks. Though you may have seen the ones where you reside, chances are you missed some of the other spectacular displays that took place globally. So settle down with a cup of hot cocoa and enjoy the show!...

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World Welcomes 2015 With Stunning Fireworks Displays